Resident Kitchen Booking
Instant Confirmation
Price: £100 /
Book Now
4.74 / 23 ratings
Hosting an event or simply want to cook with friends? Then why not book the communal kitchen!
Access times: 8:00am - Midnight
Maximum booking time: 4 hours.
Maximum booking time: 4 hours.
- The kitchen can only be booked in the name of a resident or leaseholder.
- Maximum occupancy at any one time is 8 people.
- Non-residents will need to sign in at reception.
- Please respect the area and observe noise levels.
- Please clean up after yourself.
- Please note that should there be any damages you will be liable to be charged
- Please ensure that you leave the Kitchen clean and tidy as it was found.
The Bank
4.62 / 365 ratings
Resident Kitchen Booking
4.74 / 23 ratings
Price: £100